Thursday, October 13, 2011

A brief introduction

I'm Greg, and I love food. It's delicious. I live in the beautiful city of Fort Collins, CO. If I had to guess, and I do, I'd say we have close to one hundred million restaurants in this town. My wife and I enjoy dining, lunching, brunching, and breakfasting out. I'm here to tell you about our food experiences in the Northern Colorado area, as well as any places our travels take us.

I'm not a food critic, though I tend to critique food. I'm not a food blogger, yet here I am, embarking on a journey of blogging about food. I am not a chef, but I am a home cook, and I will be happy to share my kitchen creations with you.

What you'll find here is my experiences with restaurants and food. If I have a bad experience at a diner, I'm going to tell you that it sucked, and why it sucked. I hope to achieve from this an uninhibited report on the culinary culture of the town I live in.

Also, it gives me an excuse to go out to eat more often.


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