Saturday, November 19, 2011

Beer that is good - Sam Adams Blackberry Wit

It's time to talk about beer. I am an one who appreciates beer and find beer to be as diverse and tantalizing to the palate as food and wine can be. I prefer lighter beers. Beer that I can drink two of and not feel full. I tend to like the sort of 'kicking a few back' type as opposed to the sipping a single glass type. Heavy beers just don't appeal to me very much. If I do drink a dark or heavy beer, I usually switch to a complimenting light beer afterwards. Above all, I really hate beers that have too much hops character.

Basically, you'll mostly find me in either the pale ales section, the lager section, or the wheat/wit/hefe section. Which brought me to tonight's beer selection.

 I don't drink Samuel Adams very often, and I'm not sure why. I love their Cherry Wheat, and have enjoyed their Boston Lager on occasion. The Cherry Wheat is delicious and has that unfiltered, opaque quality that makes for a smooth beer, albeit slighty heavy.. While the cherry flavor is very appealing, it can be overwhelming with the second glass.

Tonight I'm having Sam Adams' Blackberry Witbier. The witbier is type of wheat beer that I only discovered a few years ago from one of our many microbreweries in town. I have essentially fallen for it. It has all of the qualities I love about a hefeweizen, with none of the heaviness. This particular wit is very smooth and subtle, but has a tart finish due to the blackberry flavor. It has a 5.5% alcohol content, so it won't knock you on your butt, either. The color is wonderful. Be sure to swirl the last bit before you pour it to shake up the yeast that has settled at the bottom. You won't want to leave that behind.

Since this is my first post about beer, I have a rating system, but I might decide to change it in the future.

FLAVOR                    7/10
Very pleasing, as most berry flavored beers are. Slightly too tart after one glass.
COLOR                      9/10
A golden yellow, opaque hue that reminds me of sunny wheat fields.
BITTERNESS            9/10
Balanced. Cleanses the palate and permeates taste and scent.
SMOOTHNESS         8/10
Slightly thick. Goes down well. 
OVERALL DRINKABILITY              33/40

It's reminding me that I should drink Sam Adams more. I want to try their Winter Lager.

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