Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gosling's Black Rum and Ginger Beer

My wife just finished And a Bottle of Rum: The History of The New World in Ten Cocktails, so we decided to stop at the liquor store and check out some of the finer rum selections. We took home a bottle of Gosling's Black Seal Rum and some of their Ginger Beer. This combination is called a Dark and Stormy. Here is what it looks like (Sorry it's only half a glass, I tasted it and somehow it just seemed to disappear.)
I'm used to the kind of rum that you normally see at parties, like Captain Morgan or Bacardi. I will never buy that crap again. This rum was only $20.99 and it tastes like good liquor. I tried it straight, just sipping, and it had more of a whiskey-like character to it, albeit sweeter. The ginger beer is exceptional. I am a ginger drink enthusiast and this is so refreshing and pungent. It doesn't taste like that gingery syrup that is added to most ginger ales. It feels really infused with fresh ginger. This drink replaces my Seven and Seven. I'll probably never buy that cheap stuff again. Plus, there's a cute seal on the label! How could you refuse that? Even my wife likes it.

I give Gosling's two slurred hips and one stumbling hooray up!

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